The third mission of universities: partnership for social and economic development

Report on the seminar “SPHERE”: “The third mission of universities: partnership for social and economic development”

Date: 13-14 May, 2024

Venue «Silk Road» International University of

Tourism and Cultural Heritage 

City: Samarkand, Uzbekistan


The SPHERE workshop entitled “The Third Mission of Universities: Partnerships for Social and Economic Development” took place on 13-14 May 2024 at the Silk Road International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage in Samarkand, Uzbekistan. The workshop aimed to explore the multifaceted contributions of universities to local ecosystems and wider development, with a focus on strategies for maximizing community impact.

Key discussions:

The workshop examined the changing role of universities in addressing social and economic challenges, including changing labor market needs, climate change and the transition to a zero-carbon economy. Prominent priorities discussed included digitalization and artificial intelligence, highlighting the need universities face in delivering solutions and demonstrating engagement.

The workshop was actively attended by various stakeholders, including representatives from academia, government agencies and international organizations.

Participants making their presentations regarding this topic:

Aziz Abdukhakimov – Rector, “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage; Minister of Ecology, Environmental Protection and Climate Changes;

Adrian Veale – Policy Officer, European Commission, DG EAC (Online)

Aziza Abdurakhmanova – Coordinator, National Erasmus+ Office in Uzbekistan;

Michael Gaebel – European University Association, SPHERE Team;

Nicolas Standaert – Academic Coordinator, KU Leuven Engage, KU Leuven; President, European Association of Service-Learning in Higher Education;

Sardorbek Samaridinov – Head of International Cooperation Department, “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage;

Irma Grdzelidze – Head of International Accreditation Office, Caucasus University, Georgia;

Mazen Kurdi – Professor of Biochemistry and Pharmacology, Lebanese University, Lebanon;

Nicolas Standaert – Academic Coordinator, KU Leuven Engage, Belgium (Collaboration with Civil Society and Regional or Local Government);

Elvira Fetahu – Vice-Rector, University of Elbasan, Albania (Collaboration with Companies: Business Board at the University of Elbasan);

Irma Grdzelidze – Head of International Accreditation Office, Caucasus University, Georgia (Collaboration with Start-ups: How to Create a Start-up from Scratch?);

HE Ms. Charlotte Adriaen – Ambassador of the European Union to Uzbekistan;

Ms. Erica Gerretsen – Director for Human Development, Migration, Governance and Peace, Directorate-General for International Partnerships, European Commission;

Nozliya Normurodova – Alisher Nava’i Tashkent State University of Uzbek Language and Literature;

Dr. Ilhom Abdurahmanov – Head of Department for Monitoring of International Ranking Activities, National Research University “Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers”;

Michael Gaebel – European University Association, SPHERE Team (Moderator);

Nicolas Standaert – Academic Coordinator, KU Leuven Engage, Belgium; President, European Association of Service-Learning in Higher Education (Service Learning – Engaged Learning in Society);

Lika Glonti – OBREAL, SPHERE Team (Moderator for Service Learning – Engaged Learning in Society);

Andrea Vargiu – Director, FOIST Laboratory for Social Policies and Formative Processes, University of Sassari (Social Inclusion: The Transformative University for Societal Change);

Nicole Font Guedes – OBREAL, SPHERE Team (Moderator for Social Inclusion: The Transformative University for Societal Change).

List of participants from Tajikistan:

Mokhbonu Nakhatsoda – Coordinator of the NEO in Tajikistan;

Zarangez Umarova – Project manager of the NEO in Tajikistan,

Farkhod Saropov – HEREs from Tajikistan;

Saidkosim Mukhtorov – HEREs from Tajikistan.

It should be noted that representatives of Tajikistan took an active part in the discussion.

 Basic moments:

Key points from the workshop included:

Exploring innovative strategies for institutional transformation, such as inter- and trans disciplinarity in research and education, approaches to lifelong learning, and open access to research and education.

Explore strategies for enhancing collaboration between universities, industry and civil society to solve real-world problems related to sustainable development.

Exchange of best practices and practical examples from Europe and partner regions, providing information on achievements and problems of university interaction.


Based on the discussions and ideas gained during the workshop, the following recommendations are offered:

Encourage universities to take comprehensive and strategic approaches to social engagement, with a focus on innovative strategies for institutional transformation.

Promote knowledge exchange and collaboration between universities, industry and civil society to solve pressing social problems.

Support the development of digital education and lifelong learning initiatives to enhance university engagement with society.


In conclusion, the SPHERE workshop provided a valuable platform for stakeholders to explore the changing role of universities in social and economic development. The active participation of representatives from Tajikistan underscored the importance of regional cooperation in bringing about meaningful change.

Submitted by:

Umarova Zarangez

Project Manager

National Erasmus+ Office in Tajikistan