In May 2024, the National Erasmus+ Office in Tajikistan was actively engaged in various events and activities:
– On 6th May, participated in the kick-off meeting of the European Union project “OFINU” ERASMUS+ – “Open University of Food Innovations,” held at the Technological University of Tajikistan.
– Active participation in Europe Day and European Reception Day celebrations on 10th May.
– From May 12th to 14th, they took part in “The third mission of Universities’ – Partnership for Social and Economic Development” international conference in Samarkand, Uzbekistan.
– On 25th May, an Erasmus+ InfoDay event was organized at the Tajik State University of Commerce.
– On 27th May, regional Erasmus+ InfoDay event was held at the Tajik State University of Law, Business, and Politics in Khujand.
Additionally, the NEO team in Tajikistan participated in various online events especially on Erasmus Mundus 20th Anniversary Conference, focused on Erasmus+ themes throughout the month.