Erasmus+ involvement in the education sector of Tajikistan

Erasmus+ involvement in the education sector of Tajikistan

Erasmus+ has been instrumental in transforming the educational landscape of Tajikistan, enhancing the quality of higher education through collaborative initiatives with European institutions. This section analyzes ongoing projects and their impact, highlighting both successes and challenges while emphasizing the commitment of Tajikistani universities to integrate into the global academic community.

 Enhancing Higher Education Quality

The Erasmus+ Higher Education Programme has been pivotal in developing networks among universities, aimed at improving teaching standards and methodologies. By aligning curricula with the Bologna Process and integrating modern educational technologies, Tajik institutions are working to enhance the professional capabilities of their faculty. Currently, 25 universities in Tajikistan—over 62% of all higher education institutions—actively participate in Erasmus+ projects, fostering international partnerships with universities from eight countries.

International Credit Mobility (ICM)

Data indicates a significant increase in participants in the Erasmus+ Programme, with 396 individuals from Tajikistan involved between 2014 and 2023. Participation surged from an average of 39.7 per year (2014-2020) to an average of 59 per year in 2021-2022, driven by improved awareness and outreach. Additionally, the influx of foreign students to Tajikistan has also grown, reinforcing educational collaboration through Erasmus+.

Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters (EMJM)

Tajikistan has seen an increase in selected EMJMs, rising from 250 between 2014-2020 to 27 in 2021 and 34 in 2023. However, no proposals from Tajik institutions were submitted from 2021 to 2023, highlighting a need for enhanced engagement. Scholarships awarded to Tajik students have also increased, with 14 granted in just three years, indicating a positive trend in accessibility.

Capacity Building for Higher Education (CBHE)

Despite a substantial number of proposals under the CBHE program—110 from 2014 to 2023—only 17 projects were selected, highlighting existing gaps in coordination. The lack of coordinators from Tajikistan presents additional challenges, underscoring the need to focus on developing high-quality proposals and forming strategic partnerships to improve success rates. Despite these difficulties, Tajik universities continue to actively participate in the program actively, striving to enhance their standing. In 2024, the number of CBHE proposals increased by 2, bringing the total to 23 projects from 2014 to 2024.

Currently, the project “Open Food Innovation University — OFINU” is being implemented, which is also funded by the ERASMUS+ program and supported by the European Union. The consortium includes three Tajik universities: the Technological University of Tajikistan, the branch of the Technological University of Tajikistan in Isfara, and the Institute of Technology and Innovative Management in Kulob. The official launch of the project took place on February 1, 2024, and it will continue until January 2027. Faculty members from the universities involved have been engaged to regularly convene for discussions and to accomplish the set goals and objectives.

Jean Monnet Activities (JMA)

Tajikistan’s participation in the Jean Monnet Programme has been notably low, with only 2 proposals submitted from 2021 to 2023. While one project was selected in 2023, overall impact remains limited. The lack of networks and collaboration opportunities further underscores the need for greater engagement in EU studies.

Challenges and Opportunities

Despite progress, challenges such as limited financial resources and the need for robust coordination hinder full project realization. The closure of the National Erasmus+ Office in 2021 created an administrative gap that needs to be addressed to sustain and expand participation.

Looking Ahead

A new project proposal aims to re-establish the National Erasmus+ Office to enhance awareness and visibility of the program in Tajikistan. By focusing on reinforcing partnerships, promoting international cooperation, and building institutional capacities, Erasmus+ can continue to play a crucial role in modernizing Tajikistan’s higher education system, fostering economic growth, and contributing to social development.

In summary, while there are notable achievements in the involvement of Tajikistan in the Erasmus+ Programme, ongoing efforts are essential to overcome challenges and maximize the benefits of these international educational initiatives.

Investigation of the strategy

The Erasmus+ program in Tajikistan conducts a comprehensive investigation aimed at assessing its impact on the higher education system. This analysis includes several key aspects:

  • Goals and Objectives of the Program: Defining the strategic goals of Erasmus+, including improving education quality, developing international cooperation, and integrating Tajikistan into the global educational landscape.
  • Key Directions: Analyzing components such as academic mobility, knowledge exchange, and best practices, as well as supporting projects that contribute to the modernization of Tajik universities.
  • Impact on the Educational System: Evaluating the program’s influence on the quality of higher education, including opportunities for students and faculty to participate in international exchanges, enriching their experiences and broadening their horizons.
  • Synergy with National Strategies: Examining how the Erasmus+ program supports and enhances the objectives of the Ministry of Education and Science of Tajikistan, facilitating the development of a modern and adaptive education sector.
  • Overcoming Challenges and Ensuring Sustainability: Identifying existing barriers and developing solutions to overcome them, which is crucial for the long-term sustainability and successful implementation of the program.

Thus, the investigation of the Erasmus+ program is aimed at creating an effective and accessible higher education system that meets contemporary challenges and opens new opportunities for Tajik students and faculty.

Why Erasmus+ is important

Erasmus+ is a vital international educational program that promotes not only academic mobility but also broader capacity building, cooperation, and integration within the European Higher Education Area. Its multifaceted approach benefits higher education institutions, students, and countries alike, making it a comprehensive tool for fostering collaboration and enhancing educational quality.

Benefits for Higher Education Institutions (HEIs)

  • International Collaboration: The program fosters partnerships between universities across Europe and beyond, facilitating the exchange of knowledge and best practices.
  • Modernization of Curriculum: Participation encourages institutions to update curricula and adopt innovative teaching methods, enhancing overall educational experiences.
  • Increased Visibility: Being part of Erasmus+ boosts universities’ global reputations, attracting diverse students and faculty.
  • Funding Opportunities: Financial support for various initiatives enables institutions to undertake projects that may lack other funding sources.
  • Capacity Building: Erasmus+ funds projects aimed at modernizing governance and strengthening teaching methods, aligning institutions with international standards.

Benefits for Students

  • Academic Mobility and Exchange: Students have the opportunity to study abroad, broadening their academic perspectives and gaining international experience.
  • Skill Development: International exchanges foster adaptability, intercultural communication, and problem-solving skills.
  • Networking Opportunities: Students build connections with peers and professionals, benefiting their future careers.
  • Cultural Exchange: Studying abroad enriches personal growth through greater cultural awareness and understanding.
  • Enhancing Employability: Experiences gained through the program equip students with valuable skills and competencies, making them more competitive in the job market.

 Benefits for Countries

  • Educational Reform: Erasmus+ contributes to the modernization of national higher education systems, aligning them with European standards.
  • Economic Development: By enhancing graduates’ skill sets, the program supports the creation of a more competitive workforce, boosting national economies.
  • Social Cohesion: Promoting inclusion and equal opportunities in education helps reduce disparities within the population.
  • Strengthening Global Ties: The program builds diplomatic and cultural relationships between countries, promoting international cooperation and understanding.
  • Addressing Global Challenges: Erasmus+ supports initiatives tackling issues such as climate change, sustainability, and social inclusion, encouraging innovative solutions through international collaboration.

Overall, Erasmus+ serves as a critical platform for fostering collaboration, enhancing educational quality, and promoting cultural exchange. Its holistic vision significantly benefits higher education institutions, students, and nations, ultimately contributing to a more integrated and inclusive educational landscape.